Implant Restoration Services in Richmond, VA

Dentistry Done Differently

We’re Not Your Average Dental Practice… We’re Redefining the Whole Experience

Tooth loss can lead to decreased self-esteem, problems with speech and digestion, the transformation of face structure, and increased oral hygiene issues. There are a few different options for replacing missing teeth.  The highest standard of these options is implant restorations. Implant restorations look and function like natural teeth while also restoring the appearance and functionality of your smile. At Glen Forest Dental in Richmond, Virginia, we are here to assist you with any implant restoration needs.

What are implant restorations?

Implant restorations replace an entire tooth with an artificial tooth and are comprised of two components: the implant and the artificial tooth. The implant itself replaces the root of the natural tooth, and the artificial tooth replaces the visible part of the tooth. Some people only need an implant to reattach a natural tooth to their jawbone, but an implant restoration includes both components to replace a missing tooth. Because implant restorations are permanent and function like real teeth, they are preferred over removable dentures and bridges. Dentures and bridges may require frequent maintenance and refitting to avoid sizing issues and discomfort, but implant restorations can last 25 years or more once inserted.

What are the main types of implant restoration options?

There are a few different types of implant restorations depending on a person’s unique situation and needs. 


    • Single implant restorations: are used to replace one missing tooth, whether lost because of injury, gingivitis, or something else. 
    • Dental implant bridges: replace two to three missing teeth in a row. This procedure consists of implants placed in the gap of missing teeth and a bridge placed over them later once the implants have healed.
    • Partial or full implant dentures: this type of implant restoration is for people who have several missing teeth or many severely damaged teeth. This procedure offers a higher standard of restoration compared to traditional dentures. During this procedure, several implants are placed where needed, and they are used as anchors to keep dentures secured in place exactly where they should be.

What does an implant restoration procedure look like?

Getting an implant restoration placed is a relatively simple process. That said, we want your body to happily accept your implant, broken into several steps. Your oral surgeon or dental implant specialist will begin by removing damaged teeth if needed, and they may also need to prepare your jawbone to receive a dental implant with a bone graft at the time of extraction. How major of an extraction or bone graft is needed will determine how much healing time is required before you’re ready for placement of your dental implant.

Once you’re ready and fully healed from any preceding procedures, your dentist will surgically place the dental implant into your jawbone (don’t worry, you don’t feel any of this). The dental implant will need a few months to heal, but your dentist may give you a temporary tooth denture that you can take in and out until your implant is ready for a more permanent artificial tooth. After your gums and jaw have healed, your dentist can insert your artificial tooth. Fixed artificial teeth are placed permanently in your implant. Once your final procedure is done, you may experience minor swelling, pain, and bleeding. Still, your dentist can prescribe antibiotics and pain medications to manage discomfort, although often, anti-inflammatories are enough.

Schedule an Appointment Today

We’re proud to provide Implant restoration in Richmond, Virginia. For many people with damaged or missing teeth, dental implants are an essential part of improving the health and functionality of their mouth and vastly improving their quality of life. Schedule your next appointment with Dr. Roe to confirm if you are a good fit for implant restorations.